OCHS Lady Indians lose the third set 25-16 to Topeka-Hayden ending a great season by the team. The Lady Indians were FHL VB league and tournament champions this season. Thank you to the players and coaches for their hard work and dedication.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians win set 2, 27-25 over Topeka-Hayden to go to a third set in the first round of the VB sub-state championship in West Franklin.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians lose the first set 25-9 to Topeka-Hayden in the first round of the VB sub-state tournament in West Franklin.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
The OCHS Lady Indians are 5 minutes from their first round sub-state match versus Topeka-Hayden at West Franklin.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
2nd Graders have been learning all about communities the past few weeks. We had the opportunity to check out some local businesses to learn about what they provide for our community and how they can help our citizens get what they need and even some things that they want. We visited Osage Hardware, Osage Sports & Family Chiropractic, KB's SpecialTees and Osage Garden and Produce. The Osage Police Department (Officer Felix SOR and Officer Kronk) visited our classroom to talk about who they are and what they do for our community as well. The second grade teachers would like to thank all the businesses for letting us come in and learn! We live in our great town! What a FUN experience! We LOVE Osage City!
over 1 year ago, Osage City USD 420
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Student working with paint
Student Group Photo
Student Group Photo
Students wearing Office Uniforms
Under the direction of Dr. Clinton Johnson, the 6-12 Choir performed Songs of Tradition at their concert this evening.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
6th Grade Choir
7th & 8th Grade Choir
HS Treble Choir
High School Choir
USD 420 wants to recognize and thank Mrs. Paul, Mr. Riemann, and Mrs. Jenkins for their dedication to the students, staff, and community of Osage City. THANK YOU!!!
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
National School Principal Month
This week is National School Bus Safety Week! Please make sure you are always aware of your surroundings when driving near buses, schools, or bus stops. Remember to stop when approaching a bus from either direction when the bus lights and stop arm are in use!
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
Stop on Red
OCHS has an immediate opening for an administrative assistant. Interested applicants can apply at https://usd420ka.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Admin Assistant Post
OCHS Lady Indians are FHL VB Tournament Champions!! It has been 13 years since their last championship. They were also the overall league champions. The last time they won league was five years ago. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians FHL VB Tournament Champions!
OCHS Lady Indians wins Set 2 over West Franklin 25-14 to win the FHL VB Tournament!!!
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians wins Set 1 vs West Franklin 25-19 in the finals of the FHL VB Tournament.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians beats Lyndon 25-21 in Set 2 to move on to the championship of the FHL VB Tournament vs West Franklin.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians wins Set 1 vs. Lyndon 26-24 in the semi-finals of the FHL VB Tournament.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians will face Lyndon in the semi-finals of the FHL VB Tournament.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
OCHS Lady Indians go 3-0 in pool play at the FHL Tournament at Chase County by beating Mission Valley in two sets. Bracket play is up next for the Lady Indians.
over 1 year ago, Osage CUSD 420
See information below about the Flint Hills Junior League Volleyball Tournament.
over 1 year ago, Osage City USD 420
VolleyBall Tournament chart for Oct 14th
See information about the Osage City Band Booster chili feed.
over 1 year ago, Osage City USD 420
Chili Feed - Oct 13th @ 6 at the Community Building
Three Lakes is holding a Paraprofessional Job Fair this Friday!! See the attached flyer below for additional information.
over 1 year ago, Caleb Masters
Job Flyer for 3 Lakes Job Fair on August 25th from 9am to 2pm
Support the Osage City Booster Club by coming to our hotdog meal!!!
over 1 year ago, Osage City USD 420
Hot Dog Advertisment for the USD420 Booster Club