OCES Programs

The A Team


The A-Team Recognition Program recognizes academic accomplishments and school involvement at Osage City Elementary School. Each nine weeks students in third, fourth, and fifth grade will have the opportunity to earn decals for their mortar board. This mortar board will travel with the students to each new grade and decals will be added according to specific accomplishments. Once students are promoted to middle school, they may take their mortar board and decals with them.

The following is a list of how decals are earned at OCES:

  • Superstar:  A Honor Roll (GPA of above 3.5)

  • Star:  B Honor Roll (GPA of 3.0-3.5)

  • 101%:  Behavior (no office referrals, no discipline notices)

  • Indian Head:  Leadership (only given to K-Kids members in 5th grade)

  • PRIDE:  State Assessment Testing   

Awesome Readers

Awesome Readers

Osage City Elementary School recognizes students who read to achieve. To emphasize the importance of reading, OCES supports the AR Program or Awesome Readers

This program uses Accelerated Reader which is available at OCES.  Any student in grade K-2 earns 1 entry per 1/2 AR point earned at grade level or teacher-approved level for an AR test passed at 80% or higher accuracy. Any student in grades 3-5 earns 1 entry per 1 AR point earned at grade level or teacher-approved level for an AR test passed at 80% or higher accuracy. Each AR test passed enables a student to pick a charm, bookmark, or some other prize from the AR table. Each week a drawing is held from the entries. One student from K-2 and one student from 3-5 are drawn as the Awesome Readers for the week.

These students are then recognized at a home high school athletic event or school assembly. The students are also presented AR t-shirts by members of a high school athletic team or OCES faculty. Thank you to our Awesome Reader sponsors:  USD420 Schools & Subway.

Caught Being Good

Caught Being Good

Teachers give students Caught You Being Good slips for doing good deeds. Students place their slips in a can located in the elementary office and receive a pencil, bookmark or eraser for their efforts. Each week a student from each grade level is chosen as the Caught You Being Good Student of the Week. This student receives a special lunch setting, a goodie bag, and extra recess on Friday. 

Kiwanis K-Kids


Cubs is a service organization sponsored by the Lions Club of Osage City and Osage City Elementary School. Cubs invites fifth graders to become members each year. During the school year, Cubs are actively involved in the school and community. Fifth-grade students are morning duty buddies for younger students. They help younger students with their trays in the lunchroom. Cubs members also recycle paper in the elementary school. Students also are involved socially by hosting a recruit swim party, a Christmas party, and a Lock-In. 

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors is a 3rd-5th grade leadership program at Osage City Elementary School. Two students, one boy, and one girl are elected to represent their classroom. These students must apply and get references to be considered for the "job." The students serve a semester term before a new set of student ambassadors are elected. The purpose of the Student Ambassador Program is to give our students an opportunity to build leadership skills, model expected behavior, and instill 21st-century skills. Student ambassadors have classroom and school-wide jobs that they are responsible for each day.

Watch Dogs Logo

Watch D.O.G.S.

WATCH D.O.G.S. is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations in the country. In 1998, the very first WATCH D.O.G.S. program launched at Gene George Elementary in Springdale, AR. Today, more than 6,800 schools across the country have launched a WATCH D.O.G.S. program of their own. Each school year hundreds of thousands of fathers and father-figures make a positive impact on millions of children by volunteering millions of hours in their local schools through this amazing one-of-a-kind program.