6th-8th Grade School Counselor

Welcome to Ms. Spicer School Counselor Page!
Do you need to talk?
I am available to meet with students and/or parents anytime throughout the school day. Use the link below to sign up and I will get a hold of you. In addition, you can also use email to contact me at any time, Email Ms. Spicer.

Our elementary and middle schools are currently using the Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum. This is taught to every student in their homeroom classroom. There are a variety of topics that are covered which touch on everyday life situations that your student will experience, such as goal-setting, emotion management, empathy, and problem-solving. Teachers will be sending out more information as they begin to cover each unit. For more information about the curriculum and what it covers, you can click on the link below to access the Second Step Scope and Sequence.